About Us

We Build Amazing Apps and digital Solutions. We transform traditional processes into digital.


Research and Brainstorm

We work closely with our clients to make sure we provide them with a solution that best matches their needs & budget. We dig deep into the details before starting development & provide timelines & estimates that hold up. We understand your business preferences by a brief that explains your core needs. We then have a team discussion to review each point in detail and create a look and feel for your brand.


Design and Wireframe

We create the first colored layout for your project by fusing the blueprint and basic concept. This is where you see the first design mockup for your web. With our extensive expertise in UI/UX design and front-end development, we build web applications with delightful user experiences


Create and Develop

Just like a search engine, simply insert the company or entity you are doing research on and CaseTree.com will try to locate lawsuits filed against them with a consumer review based on the outcome of the case (Lawsuit Star rating). If no case is listed, the entity you are searching is free and clear of legal actions within CaseTree.com's database.


Deliver and Integrate

You can also request the team of CaseTree.com to conduct an hard docket search natiownide against that business, or you can post your public case with a review to help other U.S. consumers make better decisions. Your case is public information, you would not be held liable and it will not jeopordize your case, so let it shine with a review! (all you need is a case title & your case/pending number).


Maintenance and Support

We Provide on time customer support to avoid any downtime, manage feature enhancements and maintenance of your app. You will get 2 years FREE SUPPORT on any of the digital product you get from us.


We help organizations to discover, design, develop and scale digital products and solutions that deliver results.

Over the past 9 years different business owners use Our technical expertise to grow their organizations. We take care of all the technology which will help you to grow your business so that you can fully focus what could you do best. Our team of 20+ certified software engineers, developers and designers like to produce powerful digital products. Our goal is not to just deliver on time, on budget and on scope but to craft a custom solution around you and your users’ needs that drives unparalleled returns through proper strategic alignment and continual innovation. We are not all about big brands. We have scaled leading enterprise principles down to a select list of progressive minded mid-sized organizations and startups. We're a perfect fit for critical, strategic projects that need innovative ideas and a highly experienced team to execute them – regardless of the size of organization. We use open source where possible after carrying out due diligence to ensure robustness and sanity. If the solution looks too complex, we don't rest until we've simplified it. This is not to say we don't build solutions for complex problems, just that we don't make solutions anymore complex than they absolutely need to be. This ensures code is readable, extendible and in the long term cost effective by being manageable. We keep up to date on trends and conventions happening in the web world. We know what features are in vogue and what are out, and can help in ensuring your web application looks professional. Responsive Design, Usability testing are just the tip of the iceberg.

Benefits of Webbloq

We constantly push our limits and explore emerging technologies to build a solution that you help our clients stay ahead of the game. We produce well-designed, engaging, and secure custom web apps. From bespoke development to performance optimization, cloud-based deployment, API development and integration, continuous quality assurance, and round-the-clock SaaS support, we have a track record of delivering quality software applications that make life easier for businesses and consumers alike without compromising on quality standards. Our web applications are designed to scale with your organization’s needs.